

Skid mounted feed measuring system

The system is the core equipment of the new energy precursor material reaction process. Ternary precursor synthesis control system is provided to realize unattended process equipment, reduce manual intervention, unified collection and monitoring, high control precision, and improve work efficiency and management level.


Working Principle
  1. In the synthesis process of precursor materials, metal salt and alkali, complexing agent ammonia are coprecipitated with fixed stoichiometric ratio. The control precision of medium feed directly determines the physicochemical properties and electrochemical properties of precursor products


It can accurately control the proportion and feed speed of the ternary precursor material in the process flow to ensure the accuracy, reliability and consistency of the feed process

Customized parameter Setting

Alarm signal in abnormal condition, such as flow rate, temperature, concentration ratio, PH value.

Application scope

Suitable for NCM, sodium precursor synthesis, feeing control for small scale trial unit and production line. 

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