
Tanlet 完美品質(zhì)鑄就健康生活

Food additive project

High temperature extraction, low temperature ossein concentration, It can fully extract water-soluble nutrients from fresh bone. It is made of fresh animal bone as raw material, through crushing, extraction, refining and separation using the international advanced high temperature, concentration, sterilization processing technology, with high freshness, high nutrition, high flavor, high temperature, low fat and other characteristics.



Bone soup, bone hormone, bone peptide, chicken essence

Spices, salty flavors, food coloring

Meat and bones, plants, seafood

Enzyme, juice, drinks

Widely used in instant noodles, instant noodles seasoning, high temperature meat products, all kinds of soup, pork flavor and a variety of pork flavor seasoning, beef flavor flavor base, etc. And contains such as carnosine, glutamate, L-glutamic acid, L-aspartate, succinic acid, lysine, methionine, arginine, leucine, L-cystine.

Project case




泸定县| 青浦区| 榕江县| 临清市| 巴南区| 巴东县| 灵山县| 内乡县| 临沧市| 利津县| 盈江县| 安仁县| 侯马市| 长沙县| 孙吴县| 巨鹿县| 合山市| 郑州市| 池州市| 泽普县| 教育| 汾西县| 射洪县| 张家川| 嘉兴市| 安平县| 泉州市| 宣汉县| 枣阳市| 修水县| 九江县| 北川| 桐乡市| 闻喜县| 隆昌县| 泰顺县| 水城县| 治多县| 博兴县| 彭水| 澎湖县|